the Mindset Gym is a 12-week programme which aims to improve mental and metabolic health.
This is achieved through the design of a person-centred plan of lifestyle modifications across the different components of mental fitness.
Lifestyle modifications aim to improve five key mental fitness components
The programme specifically looks to enhance mental strength and confidence, by balancing the needs of the individual and everyday challenges. The programme will help individuals plan and coordinate mental and lifestyle changes in a way that mitigates stress and improves both physical and mental fitness
At the beginning of the programme, the Mindset Coach will assess the needs and goals of the individual and provide a week-by-week plan. This may include appropriate modifications across the four facets of wellbeing.
The Mindset Coach will mentor you throughout the programme with at least one 30-minute check-in each week to work on some of the agreed lifestyle modifications.
Each individual registered on the scheme will complete a Mindset assessment, which simply provides our coach with some information on your needs and aspirations. This will help co-design a person-centred programme of weekly modifications.
This will then follow a weekly 1:1 with your coach on aspects of your plan. This could be for breathing exercises, support on daily movements, nutrition advice, or working up a sleep routine.
Week 6 and 12 are review points where we will assess progress and make any key modifications to the programme.
The programme is inclusive and can support any individual with a mild but controlled health condition. It might also be suitable for those who are experiencing low confidence and self-esteem, as well as stress, anxiety, and depression.
If you are unsure please do drop us a message, and we can advise the best services to support you.
Get in touch!
Complete the contact form below and we will be in touch in the next 48 hours.
*Note - this is NOT a Personal Training programme but a person-centred guided programme.
We can support you via online calls or face-to-face depending on the location.
If you started at the top of this webpage you will now know a little bit more about the Mindset Gym and its elements should you need 1:1 support. However, if you are living close to Gainsborough, my home town, I'm offering a unique opportunity to join me to learn more.
This is a 6-week course which includes a mindful movement circuit, focussing on the core components of mental fitness through cardio, strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination. This is followed by a 30-minute mindset cafe, where key mental wellness topics are discussed and explored.
New courses coming soon in 2025! To express your interest then please complete our EOI Form here :) -
Join Chris the Mindset Coach for a unique opportunity to enhance your mental and physical wellness! This class is specifically designed to support women who are experiencing symptoms of peri and menopause through functional strength and conditioning.
50-minute functional strength& conditioning class incorporating cardio, strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility conditioning.
The class takes place on Mondays from 18:30 to 19:30 at West Lindsey Leisure Centre.
To find out more and to book please visit our booking page -
When addressing the potential effects and benefits within any of our websites, videos, newsletters, programs or other content from, we’ve made every effort to accurately represent our programs and their ability to impact your life positively.
However, Chris the Mindset Coach does not guarantee that you will experience results in any given timeframe or that your physical, mental, psychological, or emotional well-being will be immediately or drastically improved. Chris the Mindset Coach does not claim to diagnose or treat specific conditions.
We believe that all our ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations have been shown to affect the majority of people who have successfully engaged with our content; however, nothing on our website is a guarantee that it will have any particular impact or effect.
Chris the Mindset Coaches approach is intended for educational purposes only. Information provided by this website, or our services is not a substitute for individual medical advice.
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